Nomination Procedure

Who/What can be nominated

  1. Individuals
  2. Organisations (associations, consortia, companies, ...)
  3. Projects
  4. Services
  5. Products

Deadline for nomination

Nominations have to be made till June 14, 2024.


Please send the following information to

  • A letter of nomination describing the outstanding work in the field of ICT for people with disabilities and giving reasons why the award should be given.
  • An extended CV of the person nominated and/or description of the organisation
  • References to projects, products, publications, ...

Nomination Committee (to be confirmed)

Dominique ArchambaultDominique Archambault
Université Paris 8

Christian Buehler Christian Bühler
TU Dortmund,

EA Draffan E.A. Draffan
University of Southampton
United Kingdom

Klaus HöcknerKlaus Höckner
Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschachen Österreichs

Klaus Miesenberger Klaus Miesenberger
University of Linz
Institute Integriert Studieren

wolfgang zagler von Zagler
TETRAGON Braille Systems GmbH

For further information on the nomination procedures, please contact the conference office (

Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, OCG | Forschungseinrichtungen |  Wissenschaft im Austria-ForumEndowed by the Austrian Computer Society.